
Hello my dear friends,

I hope you are all doing well.
Today I want to dedicate my blog post to the blessing to have such an amazing instagram community/instagram family around me which I love to share my art with, discuss art, get inspired and feel like part of a whole, of an entirety.

That’s Barakah!

Barakah is arabic and means blessing and can also be seen as a blessing power that continuously grows. But it’s not random that I came up to write about Barakah today, it’s because two of my dear fellow artists @miminorean and @azramomin (on instagram) started two weeks ago the Barakah Challenge. A challenge to think about blessings and to create your own work in connection with this.

So here is my entry for this challenge, trying to catch all the things that I feel blessed for written around the universe, the entirety.

And there are so many more! Thinking about Barakah almost two weeks now, I understood how greatful I am for all the people that I met on my way until now and ALL the things happening in my life. Even if some are not positive in the first step, if I work them up, I grow.

But I wanted to write about my instagram family, right?
It’s really, really a blessing to have all these beautiful in their being artists and people around me! I feel like we are all connected even if we are so many kilometers away from each other. Our artworks inspire one another, our different backgrounds, heritages, styles connect to a bigger something that displays the entirety. That brings at least me nearer to God and I feel blessed and happy to have found this wealth additionally to my real life somewhere I would have never expected it: on the internet, on instagram.

So thank you Maryam and Azra once more for this wonderful challenge and all my fellow artists that have become friends for the way of the path we’re walking together!
You see what I mean? That’s Barakah! 🙂

Have a blessed day and stay openminded and creative my friends!
Yours, Thea

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