Illustrations – the beginnings

Hello my friends,

how is this pre Christmas time going for you?
Mine is – as always – full of hurrying around, searching for gifts, trying to make some gifts by my own and of course soon shipping the calendars, that are currently getting printed, to YOU!

So, what am I doing with art in this busy time of the year?

Of course I am listening to my own advice and making art 15 minutes a day and if that is not enough, then dreaming. 🙂

No, I don’t mean sleeping and dreaming, what I mean is dreaming and planning new projects.
As the days seem to not fit that much time for art as I would love them to do, I make my plans for the upcoming season when there will be hopefully time again.

Today I am dreaming of illustrations.
Illustrations have been in my mind for a while now, even concrete ideas, I just did not “had the time yet”. Yeah, this not just sound like an excuse. I kept myself distracted by paintings, patterns and ideas that seemed easier for me.

But now it’s written here, black on white:
In 2022 I want to make illustrations!
I don’t want to reveal everything yet but I can already tell you that I got inspired by my boys. 🙂

And the great news is that I had this year already the opportunity to try myself in illustrations. For a commission I had to make 8 illustrations that showed the different stages of two persons on their way to a Happy Ending – a lovestory in pictures.

Three of the 8 illustrations drawn and painted on handmade paper.

So, while the baby is still sleeping I want to finish my blog for today and then dream a little more. 🙂 Are you that excited as I am?

Stay healthy and full of dreams always!
Yours, Thea

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