Hallo my friends,
I hope you (and your children) are doing well.
My plan for today’s blog post was to tell you some smart things about time management but as a very fitting quote says “When you make plans, life happens”.
As my children are unfortunately all sick, I’ll keep it short and simple.
In the past weeks I suffered from not being able to fit in all the things I wanted to do in my day. So, after some thinking about it, I decided that I had to make myself some daily to-do’s. I love to-do’s eventhough they are driving me crazy.
But I still wanted to try and for now (10 days later) I’m quite satisfied.
The idea is to have 4-5 daily to-do’s that can be made in row or separate one from another to give you the feeling that you managed to make something more than – in my case – playing and cooking. You can also track yourself to see if you accomplished them. A bit of self-control is good for me, you decide about tracking yourself or not.
To give you concrete ideas, here are my five daily to-do’s:
- Copy one recipe in my cookbook.
- Gift, sell or throw away one thing that is not necessary any more.
- Read 10 minutes.
- Repair something and of course,
- Take yourself time for 15 minutes of art.
15 minutes doesn’t sound like a lot, but it works. Little by little. 🙂
My work that you see above is a very slow work in progress but there IS progress and that is what matters to me.
So, what are your tricks to accomplish the things you want to do?
Do you use to-do-lists like me or is it for you just working?
Tell me in the comments below.
Stay healthy and creative folks!
Yours, Thea
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