Hello my friends,
I hope you are doing good.
Last week I could not write as I was packing calendars – yeees, they arrived and about 90% of them is either getting shipped or has already reached the new owner. I’m very happy and excited to announce you that we improved last year’s numbers with about 300 calendars sold worldwide! More numbers and the exact amount of our donation will follow soon.
And that is why, I want to give something back to you!
Last week I made the first giveaway with three dyed handmade papers and today is following giveaway number 2.
So today’s giveaway is related to cards.
Yes, you heard right. I want to give away 8 postcards, three of my own and five from different artists and exhibitions I went over the years. As visiting museums is getting tougher lately here is the goodie you would buy yourself after the visit. 🙂

The upper three are my cards, all three flowers obviously. I will very soon list them on etsy and also some more postcards that haven’t arrived yet from the printer, so stay tuned!
And now the names and titles of the rest of the artworks portrayed:
Franz Marc, The tiger, 1912
August Macke, Inner courtyard of the chalet in St. Germain, 1914
Lalla Essaydi, FumĂ©e d’Ambre Gris
Ramon Casas, Après le bal, 1895
Maharaja Takhat Singh from Marwar watches an elephant fight, middle of the 19th centoury
It was really hard to choose which of them to give away because I have collected so many over the years and they are all lovely! But I think this is a good collection icluding everything I like and hopefully you will too: flowers, colours, calligraphy, women and miniature.
To take part follow the steps on instagram.
Good luck and enjoy this time of giving!
Stay happy and creative!
Yours, Thea