What happened until now…

Hi guys,

how are you? My name is Thea and I want to welcome you on my new website. I never had a website before or did write a blog, but as art took over my life, I wanted to share my experiences with you and also use this platform to think over some things, to have a digital diary. I’m so excited!

So let’s start with a kind of review – what happened until now.

I won’t start in childhood even though I loved painting and drawing since then; nor in university where I had some subjects in painting while I studied history of art. I want to start telling my story beginning with this year, 2019, because everything I did before was kind of random.

But this year I decided to take art seriously and to get ready for my art journey. So in March/April I wanted to make 30 paintings in 30 days. After 30 days I had at least 20 paintings but I hadn’t achieved what I wanted to. This disappointed me a lot, even if 20 was a big number and more than I had made the years before and even though I had a baby and a toddler at home. So in May I decided to make an art account on instagram – thea.de.milos – and to post my first painting: day 1. A big step for me! Showing my art “to the world” satisfied me and motivated me to carry on with day 2 and 3 until day 100.

100 paintings and drawings in 100 days! Can you believe it? I still cannot sometimes!

After this big achievement I took part at inktober using the technique I discovered in my 100 day project: drawings made by just one line. A challenge for me, but I got it. And as a reward in November my first solo exhibition took place in Sanski Most, Bosnia and Herzegovina: “Just one Line by thea.de.milos”.

Since then I continue painting, of course, and share all my pieces on instagram. For my website I will try to recap my motifs, my style in the next weeks. And of course I will keep you up to date on what’s actually going on at my journey.

By the way, I have actually a giveaway on instagram, a painting with a wreath of ivy and rose hips, made with acrylics on a postcard. If you’re interested come around and take part, it’s open worldwide!

Wow, first entry made! I’m so excited, again! Thank you for following me!

See you soon, yours Thea.

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